Monday, September 30, 2019

Relationship Between Public and Private Policing Essay

Abstract This paper will explore the historical relationship between public and private policing. It will also discuss how the relationship has changed in recent years. Relationship Between Public and Private Policing Since the terrorist attacks that struck inside the heart of our country on 11 September 2001, civilian law enforcement agencies have been busy performing not only their regular duties of crime prevention and response, but also taking on a large number of homeland security functions and all of this during a time when local, state and federal budgets are ever tightening. Similarly, private security institutions are under comparable pressure to carry out their traditional duties to provide protection of information, property and people, as well as sharing the additional duties of homeland security. Despite the fact that public and private police organizations share the same ultimate goal of protecting the public, they do not have a long history of working well together. Security officers have historically been looked down upon by law enforcement personnel. Some police feel that there is a definite lack of pre-employment screening, certification, training, standards, and regulation of security officers. Other police officers feel that security personnel receive insufficient training, especially those who carry weapons. Another perception that some police have is the view that security officers are those who couldn’t make it as law enforcement officers so they settled for a career in security. Meanwhile, some security officers view police as snobs who do not have an understanding of the range of capabilities, functions and resources offered by the private security field and thus fail to appreciate the role they can play. Private policing really got its start in the U.S. in the mid-1800s with the  foundation of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency in Chicago Illinois by Allan Pinkerton, the first man to be appointed as a detective in the Chicago Police Department. Since the federal government did not have personnel that could follow criminals across state lines, and local police personnel were ill equipped to handle the job, the Pinkerton Agency was hired to deal with criminal gangs (BSIS, n.d.). The company also performed many duties that are now handled by federal and state law enforcement agencies such as guarding railroads, conducting criminal investigations, and providing security advice to banks and other businesses. â€Å"Policing is not necessarily the exclusive dominion of government, but rather a ‘service’ that could be assumed either by public or private agencies† (Elizabeth Joh, 2004). According to the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2000 th ere were 797,000 law enforcement officers employed in the United States by local, state and federal agencies. In comparison, private security organizations throughout the country employed roughly two million security officers (National Policy Summit, 2004). With these numbers it only makes sense for there to be a cooperative relationship between public and private police agencies. Joining the capabilities of the two sides would benefit each profession and greatly enhance the protection level that could be afforded to the citizens of this country. For example, the public police agencies usually receive more current threat information, while the private police agencies tend to maintain control over the areas or facilities that are considered vulnerable to attack. It has been estimated that â€Å"85 percent of the country’s critical infrastructure is protected by private security organizations† (National Policy Summit, 2004). One factor that I believe has had a positive impact on improving relations between public and private police agencies is the crossover of personnel. Many times when law enforcement personnel at the local, state or federal level retire from their agencies, they tend to take on positions of employment with in the private police field as Directors or other higher level positions due to the degree of their experience. These personnel maintain their contacts from within the law enforcement realm which can facilitate opportunities for much needed training and education of security officers, as well as increased probabilities for the sharing of information between agencies. Another aspect which is closely related is the hiring of  off-duty police officers to perform private security functions and details. Many companies feel that hiring an off-duty police officer to perform private security functions can be an effective crime deterrent when there is a visible police officer presence. Most public police agencies allow their officers, with advanced permission from the department, to work security duties or details while wearing their police uniform and even operating their department issued police vehicle. Another advantage of hiring off-duty police officers is that they maintain the power of arrest and use of force at all times, whether on or off-duty. So when a crime occurs, you already have a police presence on scene that can handle the matter. There are even some police agencies which are actually commercializing their services. According to Massimiliano Mulone, â€Å"police organizations are selling the services they provide to private individuals/organizations, from renting off-duty police officers to offering training for the private security workforce† (2012). There are some negative aspects to hiring off-duty police personnel to perform private security duties. First of all, the average police officer will charge at least twice as much as the hourly wage a typical security officer will be paid. Another issue to consider is the fact that some police officers will not perform some of the more menial tasks that a regular security officer would be required to perform as par t of their normal duties. Additionally, since the police officer is not depending on this part time job as a primary source of income, they may not put the same level of devotion into completing the tasks of the position as a security officer that is performing this job as their primary source of employment. Furthermore, â€Å"recent research finds that that fatigue associated with overtime and outside employment may contribute to accident and injuries involving police officers and may lead to more citizen complaints† (James Brunet, 2008). Another issue of concern is that while a police officer is performing in an off-duty capacity as a security officer, they can be called away from these duties to assist on-duty officers with incidents that occur nearby. Lastly, a company that hires off-duty police personnel to work in a private security capacity must be aware that there are unique legal issues to be considered, such as when Miranda warnings should be used and under what cir cumstances searches may be authorized. In almost every major city throughout the country, shopping malls, hospitals, apartment complexes, university campuses and housing associations depend on various private police organizations for security. Evidence shows that private policing has considerably decreased crime rates in neighborhoods across the country. â€Å"After the ‘Grand Central Partnership,’ an organization of over 6,000 businesses, hired a private security force to guard a 70 block area in the midtown Manhattan area, crime rates dropped by 20 percent after two years, by 36 percent after three years and 53 percent after five years† (Kai Jaeger and Edward Stringham, 2011). Another example of this statement is the â€Å"introduction of private policing by Critical Intervention Services in a low-income area of Florida that reduced crime rates an average of 50 percent† (Jaeger and Stringham, 2011). The greater the number of private property establishments that can be covered by private police agencies will allow the public police officers to concentrate their efforts on responding to the more significant crimes. The reality is that government agencies are being required to do more with less, cut budgets and ultimately cut the number of public police officers that are needed to protect the public. On the other side of the issue, private security organizations are constantly growing and providing more professional and better trained security officers in order to stay competitive in the private policing field. In many instances it is getting harder to distinguish between the public and private police officers and the overall duties they can perform. By combining the efforts of the two spheres of responsibility it would greatly benefit both sides, as well as provide a higher level of protection for the citizens of this country. References Brunet, J. A., PhD. (2008). Blurring the line between public and private sectors: The case of police officers’ off-duty employment. Public Personnel Management, 37(2), 161-174. Retrieved from Bureau of Security and Investigative Services. (n.d.) A Brief History. Retrieved from Jaeger, K. and Stringham, E. (2011). National Center for Policy Analysis. Private policing options for the poor. Retrieved from Joh, E. E. (2004). The Paradox of Private Policing. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 95(1), 49-131. Retrieved from Mulone, M. (2012). When private and public policing merge: Thoughts on commercial policing. Social Justice, 38(1), 165-183. Retrieved from National Policy Summit. (2004). Building Private Security/Public Policing Partnerships to Prevent and Respond to Terrorism and Public Disorder. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Public Relation Campaign Essay

The Impact of Technology Considerations Riordan is into plastic manufacturing. This is a technological product. Its uses can vary from simple carry bags to the sophisticated packaging. Plastics are considered environmentally unsafe. The only way to get rid of a plastic product is recycle and reuse it. Except for use, plastic is technologically sophisticated product. It requires technology to manufacture it as well as recycle it. Riordan before launching the product in global market place needs to understand the market set up and availability of recycling units. Recycling can be one of the themes of its PR strategy. It can educate consumers about the benefits of recycling and Riordan’s products compatibility with recycling. It can promote recycling in various ways. It can arrange recollection of the used Riordan products for recycling for free of cost or bare minimum charges from the users or encourage users to donate used plastics at Riordan units or selected locations from where it can be sent to recycling. It can also place its recycling waste bins in the high plastic usage areas. It can use new technological platforms like internet in order to promote recycling and reuse of plastic. Riordan can also communicate about its technological efforts to make the products better and less environmentally unsafe. Globalization Considerations There are various globalization considerations for Riordan. These are as follows: Social and cultural environment is one of the most important aspects of globalization considerations for Riordan. There are various factors of social and cultural environment that may result in success or failure of any company in global market place. The cultural differences must be studied for developing any PR campaign. The community will be involved in any kind of event and activities only if it can associate itself with it. This is possible when company has properly studied the cultural elements of the new business destination. Technological Environment is second important aspect for Riordan, as the product it is trying to launch in new business place requires technological set up for production and manufacturing. In the PR campaign it needs to find out the technological platforms and mediums that cover its target audience. Once these are identified, it can develop its PR plan using the most compatible platforms. Any PR campaign can be developed within the parameters of legal and regulatory framework. Governments of different countries are very particular about the messages; content and information companies are releasing in order to improve their image. The information must not be exaggerated, vague or misleading. Companies need to show their responsibilities while disseminating any information. They are accountable for their actions. Not only PR campaigns, but also in entire operations companies need to function according to the statutory compliance with the local government and international regulatory bodies in the global market place. A PR campaign will be successful only when all the information regarding company and from the company is positive. This is possible when company has smooth relationship with its suppliers, distributors, vendors, creditors and other financial stakeholders. The investment company is making in the new location will provide employment opportunity to many and help in the economical development of the particular area. This can also be one part of PR campaign for the company. Company can start certain corporate responsibility projects related to environment pollution. At the citizen front people are not as responsible for separating biodegradable and non degradable wastes. Company can educate and encourage people about benefits of separating such wastes. It can foster change in society through its PR campaign. This can improve its brand image and reputation. It will help building its image as a responsible corporate citizen. Crisis Management Plan There can be different types of crisis where organization will require responding quickly and actively. Company can analyze internal and external environment in order to find out about the possible crisis. Company’s PR strategy should aim at easing the tension situation. It should be a committed effort. Any kind of information going out of the company must be thoroughly checked and verified. A crisis management team of PR personnel, legal experts and representatives of main business operations like marketing, human resource and personnel management, finance and technology should be created, once major risk areas are identified. Team members should be accountable for their responsibilities. Communication channel and information flow should be planned. Employees should be given crisis management training. PR office should create a Crisis Management Manual for internal reference and external communication. During the crisis PR office should provide proper information on time. This information should be developed on the basis of interaction with local government, investigating agencies, legal agencies and concerned departments within the organization. Reference: Cooper, D, Grey S, Raymond G and Walker P (2005) Managing Risk in Large Projects and Complex Procurements, Project Risk Management Guidelines, Broadleaf Capital International, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, West Sussex, England (e-book) Check List for Crisis Management Planning retrieved on 30 May 2008 from Dinsmore, P.C. (1993) AMA Handbook of Project Management, The AMACOM Books ISBN: 0814401066 (e-book)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discuss the Difficulties in Seeking to Adopt a Common Social Policy and Social Welfare Agenda Among the E.U. Member States.

Assignment 2-Take Home Exam (Question 3, 5 and 6) Question 3 Discuss the difficulties in seeking to adopt a common social policy and social welfare agenda among the E. U. member states. Introduction A social policy is a public policy and practice in the areas of health care, human services, criminal justice, education, and labor. (Malcolm Wiener Centre) In European Union, it has passed a long way to seeking adopt a common social policy and social welfare agenda among the E. U. member states. Caune et al has summarized the process of social policy into three steps followed by the milestone of EU.First stage was to create a common market and keep the national welfare policies. During the first stage E. U. did seek to establish a certain policy, such as freedom of movement for workers and freedom of establishment and equal pay and rights for migrant workers. The second stages was Maastricht treaty that creating Maastricht criteria as new economic policy regime and established ‘sof t law management’. The thirds stage was focus onwards coordination and competition of national welfare policies. The treaty of Lisbon which is the recently moment in E.U. social policy, it defines E. U. seeks to assess the significance of the poverty/social inclusion open method of co-ordination in terms of what it indicates about the EU’s engagement with social policy. From the historically, EU was did a lot of works to creating social policy and social welfare agenda. But E. U. still faces many difficult to making a common social policy among E. U. states. Furthermore, this essay will mainly discuss on the difficult in seeking to adopt a common social policy and social welfare agenda among the E. U. ember states which are based understand and analyzed the history and concept of E. U. social policy. Discussion From the three stages of form a social welfare system, we could found European Union has really well social welfare systems as an example for the rest of the wo rld. It has maintained social equality among EU members which defend weaker market participants and guarantee them acceptable standards of living. However, EU is now face great challenges, such as rapid growth in EU expansion and integration, growing competition among member states for investments.Most of them are now becoming difficult to a adopt a further common social policy EU, such as increasing about personal expectancy, population migration process, growing income inequality and the existing social exclusion. These difficulties are mainly coming from two sources which are national and European level. If EU aims to form a common social policy, they will firstly facing a problem of different social policies pursued by member states. Rutkauskiene indicated that there is† no unanimous opinion about all existing social policy in EU. (Rutkauskiene, 2009) Every member states have their social policy depends on different typology, such as Mediterranean model and antipodean mode l. These different social policy models in the place which lead EU faces a huge challenge-too many different social policy model in the members will hinder the process of adopt a common social policy in EU. One of the objectives of common social policy is maintain social equality among EU member state but each member state has a different economic situation that leading to different budget on social welfare expenditure.Hence, there will be conflict between different countries investment on the social welfare. One of the example are from the EU integration process, employee are free to move to a low cost countries and also employee from poor countries can move to a member state that has a better work condition. The enlargement or integration of European has becoming one of the difficulties in order to adopt a common social policy in EU because it has direct on the social issues, such as unemployment rate and fair work rights.Traser describe enlargement had already, in 2004, caused pu blic anxiety about large numbers of low-skilled and semiskilled workers from the new Member States seeking both employment and benefits in the EU-15, and displacing national workers with cheap labour. (Traser, 2005) The issues about free movement of employee is only one example about the differences of economic situation between member states but it can be a main difficulties for EU to adopt a common social policy because the members state are only stand for their own country and competing with other member states.In the European level, EU are also did a lot of work trying to leading member states participate on the process of adopt a common social policy but it is difficult as well. Since the Maastricht Treaty a concept of ‘soft law’ management measures are used to implementation of the EU activates. This has given to the control measures that are based on voluntarism, education and the sharing of best practices. (Rutkauskiene, 2009) In other world, member’s sta te is voluntary participation in an exchange of information or action.The European council collected all these soft measurement 2000 in Lisbon and give them a name of ‘Open Method of Coordination. (OMC)† (European Council Web) In the European council website explained OMC- set goals are monitored and supervised, best practices are shared and there is a scope to share. (European Council Web) But there are one important feature of the OMC is that goals and achievement are established at the EU level, while the measure and practice to achieving them are left for national governments. Many scholar are debate the disadvantage of this method.OMC is the lack of obligation to implement any agreements, and the lack of sanctions for failing to meet any obligations (Szyszczak, 2006). In other words, EU did not give in to any suggestion about policy to national government, and national government did not need to adequately orient their active measures according to OMC goals. Moreove r, each member states can present their own conclusions on the certain policy areas in their national actions plans, such as pension and health care area. Rutkauskiene has found a greatest number of faults in pension’s area caused by OMC. Rutkauskiene, 2009) Everyone is too different in their personal needs and clamming to adequate for all is not feasible. So a government policy should be set a minimum pension sum to be guaranteed and set of this agreement among EU member states. In other worlds, it is necessary that guidelines for changes in indicator evaluation are set, thereby blocking the way for different understanding about social affairs. From the different argument on OMC policy we can it was mainly established a principle of turning into coordination among EU member state but it facing difficulties turning this policy into an operational manner.Vandenbroucke state the post challenge of Lisbon treaty is EU need an operational social policy. (Vandenbroucke, 2002) Unfor tunately, according to the discussion that the current OMC policy has some disadvantaged that made difficulties for EU to adopt a common social policy. Conclusions This essay has started with an introduction milestone of adopt the EU social policy. The difficulties in adopt a common social policy among EU member states have been compounded furthermore by the fact that large number of state in EU and each of them implementing a different social programs and social policy measures.Then we look on how European Union to dealing with this difficulties of great variety in the social policy systems. We have been chooses the current model to coordinate of social affairs in 2000 at the signing of Lisbon strategy which are Open Method of Coordination. Based on the analysed from different academic literature, â€Å"the main shortcomings of the OMC were identified as the lack of obligation and no sanctions for failing to carry out the activities set out in the agreements reached. (Rutkauskiene , 2009) Hence, the inefficiency of current policy is other main difficulties in adopt a common social policy. At the end, the process of adopt a common social will be forward in the future and the difficulties are also coming continuously at different stages. Reference Arnaudova, F. Z. L. A. A. (2011). Growth, well-being and social policy in Euroep: trade-off orsynergy. European Social Policy Centre Concuil, E. , from http://ec. europa. eu/invest-in research/coordination/coordination01_en. htm Daly, M. (2006). EU Social Policy after Lisbon.Queen's Univeristy, Belfast. Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy. Retrieved 10 Jan 2013, from http://www. hks. harvard. edu/centers/wiener Palier, P. R. G. a. S. J. a. B. (2011). The EU and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms. England. Rutkauskiene, L. (2009). Problems in the formation of the common EU social policy: Vilnius Univeristy. Szyszczak, E. (2006). Experimental Governance: The Opend Method of Coordination. European Law Jou rnal. Traser, J. (2005). Report on the free movement of workers in EU-25: who's afarid of EU enlargment? Brussels:European Citizen Action services. Vandenbroucke, F. (2002). The EU and Social Protection: What should the Euroepan Convention Propose. Retrieved from http://econstor. eu/bitstream/10419/44291/1/644397675. pdf Vobruba, G. Debate on the enlargement of the Euroepan Union. University of Leipzig. Question 5 the single market is the fundamental economic underpinning of the EU. Discuss why  this single market is problematic in the EU with regards to the digital technology sector Introduction The Europe commission in a 1985 white paper launched the single market programme.The main purpose of single market is ‘seeks to guarantee the free movement of goods, capital, services, and people – the EU's â€Å"four freedoms† – within the EU's 27 member states. †(European Commission Web) It was launched as the fundamental economic integration of the EU. It creates large benefit to the enterprise and EU-citizens. The European commission and the EU’s executive arm, has target ‘energy, digital and transport sectors as priorities for depending market integration. †(Egen) In relating to the digital technology sector, the world economic is now more deepening on the digital technology.A 2010 study commissioned by the European Policy Centre from Copenhagen Economics showed that an integrated European Digital Single Market (DSM) would lead to an increase in GDP of at least 4%, with concrete benefits for consumers and citizens. (Economics, 2010) European commissions have already been set in motion about importance of digital single market. For example, Monti report had already highlighted the importance of developing the digital single market, which was also reflected in the digital agenda and the single market act.However, there are still many problem existed in the EU with regards to the digital technology sector. This e ssay will outline of the reasons of why this single market is problematic in digital sector, which are mainly because of less enforce on inappropriate regulation in the member states and cost effectiveness and differences in provision of the infrastructure and ‘old national monopolists’. Discussion In Pablo’s report, which has summaries the European commission need to work more on to build trust and confidence in digital single market.Echeverria has indicated that â€Å"European Commission need to stresses that the consumer rights directive marked an important step forward in terms of increasing legal certainty for consumers and businesses in online transactions, and today constitutes the main consumer protection instrument for online services. † (Echeverria) A single market strategy will require a higher level of legal regulations in regarding to issues such as cybercrime, data privacy and spam while ensuring free movement and the possibility of transacti ons on the internet.Otherwise this single market will be a problematic in digital sector because of the existence of a patchwork of different legal provisions and barely interoperable standards and practices. Also the consumer can’t access the full benefits from this strategy if this regulation is poor. European commission’s report of building the digital single market has identified more and more pollution is using the digital technology now. (Commission, 2011) Peoples are now using more internet service to making a convenience life, such as the online cross border trade.Moreover the digital single market will allow citizens to have access throughout the EU to all forms of digital content and services. So in order to creating single market digital sector, if people are not use digital service in a safety environment then there will be a data protection problems. The other reasons of why  this single market is problematic in the EU with regards to the digital technol ogy sector, which is cost effectiveness. In Zuleeg’s report has determine that a single digital market will require large scale investments in fixed and mobile networks, with much of this investment needing to come from private operators. Zuleeg, 2012) Especially in the European finical crisis period, Europe government and private operator will need to have spent more to support this investment by developing new investment vehicles and guarantees. Michelle Egan also defines a digital single market is a long way of investment and still have many barriers now. (Egan) But the single market in digital sector will improve productivity and contribute to increasing Europe’s medium to long term competiveness. It also brings out benefit beyond the economic which it can help some societal problem, such as fragmented labor market and environment problems.According to all of this facts, we can finding the single market can bring large benefit to citizens and social but it will nee d to put extra investment by government and private operator. So this single market will bring out a conflict between internal users and external stakeholders because of cost effectiveness. A study by Copenhagen economic has list out â€Å"there is a range of national and international operators, totalling close to 100 mobile operators. â€Å"(Copenhagen economic) In the Australia digital sector there are mainly one operator provide the most mobile and internet infrastructure which are Telstra.The digital sector is fragmented in European compared with other countries. The most of the digital companies are competing on a national scale instated of across borders. None have continent-wide operations and provide difference in provisions of infrastructure. One of the example is there are still less operator can provide mobile service across borders and also with a high roaming fees. However the single market strategy in digital sector is trying to integrate these companies into one gr oup.This single market strategy may become problematic in the digital technology sector because a fragmented supplier industry may hamper certain developments. From the overall finding, we can operator is the main stakeholder with a large impact on the digital sector. The study by Copenhagen has further explained this fact as â€Å"a lack of market consolidation with ‘old national monopolies’ keeping their strong position in local markets due to government protection in the past. â€Å" The operators are stress on their profit and ignore the importance of single market.One of the major benefits of European single market is increasing competition, leading to lower prices and better welfare for consumers and society as a whole. But the operator has main power in the national market and can refuse price convergence. Conclusion At the end, the single market in digital will have large impact on European economy either in public sector or employee or consumers or producer s ides. But according to the nature of digital technology sector which is fragmented industry and investment barriers so the single market has being a problematic in this industry.Reference Completing the internal market White paper from European Commission to European Council (1985). Brussels. Commission, E. (2011). Building the digital single market-cross border demand for content services. Echeverria, P. A. On completing the digital single market Economics, C. (2010). The conomic impact of a european digital single market. Egen, M. Twenty years after the completion of the EU's single market programme, member states have still not eliminate all barriers to trade. London: The london school of economic and politcal science. Zuleeg, F. (2012).A digital single market by 2015. eSharp. European Mobile Indsutry Obeservatory. (2011) Monti, M. (2010). A new strategy for the single market. â€Å"The Single Market†. Europa web portal. http://ec. europa. eu/internal_market/index_en. htm. Retrieved 03 January 2012. Question 6 what are the problems to be encountered in forming a European sense of identity among the citizenry of the EU? Introduction A sense of a national identity is â€Å"the person's identity and sense of belonging to one state or to one nation, a feeling one shares with a group of people, regardless of one's citizenship status. (Smith, 1993) Usually, these are nation-states but it also can implied an entity group of European Union. McCormick writes sense of European identity as â€Å"a related term of Europeanism refers to the assertion that the people of Europe have a distinctive set of political, economic and social norms and values that are slowly diminishing and replacing existing national or state-based norms and values. †(McCormick, 2010) Johan Borneman indicates the practices of Europeanization in term of languages, money, tourism and sex and sport. Borneman 1997) European Union are getting practice on this through the creation of the European single market, the expanded the European Union from twelve members in 1985 to twenty-seven members in 2007 and link the legislative and policy frameworks of EU with European identity. As we explained before EU has a long history of this integration process but there are still many problems encountered in forming a European sense of identity among the citizenry of the EU. There are especially in some countries are having this problems such as British.Moreover, this essay will discuss on the main problems that are in forming a European sense of identity among the citizenry of the EU. It also will consider some examples in English. Discussion Medrano has summarized the main problems into three section which are â€Å". 1) conflated behaviour in referenda on reform treaties of the European Union, support for European integration, and identification with Europe, 2) conflated different dimensions of European identity, and 3) failed to unpack the various meanings that citizens a ttach to the idea of identification with Europe† (Medrano, 2010)In the detail, the first problems are mainly concerned on the public debate on European identity. Many people see no opportunity to influence supranational decisions effectively because there are lacks of intermediary actor primary covering European issues. In the public, the media or journalists are both have lack of supporting on EU news. Vreese said â€Å"It is difficult to ‘sell’ an EU story. † (Vreese, 2004) Medrano has asked many journalists do you agree you play an important role in ‘crating a European identify’. (Medrano, 2010) The most of them unanimously agreed that the answer should be ‘NO’.Some journalists believe their role is to create engagement and interest and not to influence identity. One of the examples is in British, the public opinion is divided and the country is becoming the most of skeptic members in EU with regards to EU policy of common curre ncy and the enlargement. There is other problem influencing public opinion about Europe, such as difference in social-demographic characteristics. Most of researcher has find men being more supportive of Euro-pan integration and higher levels of education are associated with being more positive towards the EU.The second problems listed by Medrano, can be described as there are having many dimensions of European identity either by national or citizen. If there are too many dimensions of European identity that will results a lack of precision use in the use of the sense of European identity. The official dimensions of European identity is a precondition for a democratically legitimise European Union with feeling of belonging together of the people living in the member states, including the awareness and the support of common values, achievements and aims.But in related to a real case the European identity is far lagging behind national identity. Fukuyama has given one example of Franc es created a strong national identity by built around the French languages. (Fukuyama, 2012) In order to compared within the EU’s dimension, EU are more stress on political and policy identity but the nation’s dimensions are more focus on culture and social level. EU has 27 members within different culture and religion. These countries have already built on different level of national identity.EU is now trying to integrate this national identity into one common identity which is European identity. So EU needs to conflate different dimension of European identity. The third problems is failed to consider the citizen’s ideal about European identity. The EU defines concept of European identity are most physically based, such as free movement of goods and service. But the officials should to promote a sense of belonging to Europe citizens emotionally. Medrano stated there are lacks of identification with Europe among citizens are mostly interested in the emotional di mension of identification. (Medrano,2010)Besides of Medrano’s measured three problems, there are still many other problems in order to create a sense of European identity. One of these problems are EU has less use any knowledge or instruments of identity policy to deliver the sense of European identity, such as education. Walkenhorst writes â€Å"without a sense of commitment and knowledge of citizenship rights the European peoples cannot establish a democratic identity in the sense of supporting the EU as a legitimate political system†. (Walkenhorst, 2004) EU also will not being able to demonstrate its benefits for the European citizen without using an instrument of identity policy.For instance, provide more education or program on spread the sense of European identity will also help to avoid the problems of different religions. EU has different religions identity, such as Christian and Muslim. The concept of European identity need to consider the ideal of multicultur alism and democracy. Conclusions This essay draws an analysis of the problems encountered in forming a sense of European identity which are based on an understanding what is a sense of European identity and how could generate a sense of identity.Since the firstly forming a European Union, EU are trying to creating a sense of European identity. A sense of national or regional identity is an emotionally feeling belongs to a group. EU did a lot of work that letting people are physically feeling of European citizen, such as free movement of people and goods. One of the examples, are Eurostar given people are more mobility in traveling around European. However, EU is now facing problems on ignored the citizen’s emotionally feeling of European identity and conflicts of different dimension about European concept of identity.Each member state and citizens has different dimension about European identity. The best way to solve this problem is using accurate instrument to spread the ide al of European identity, such as education and media. But the fact is there is lack of use media and education that results a problems in forming a sense of European identity. Reference Adrian Favell, E. R. , Theresa Kuhn, Janne Solgaard Jensen and Juliane Klein. (2011). The Europeanisation of Everyday Life: Cross-Border practices and Transantional Identitifcations Among the Eu and Third-Country Citizens. Foweler, J. B. a. N. (1997).Europeanization. Annual Review. Retrieved from http://www. jstor. org/stable/2952532 . Fukuyama, F. (2012). European Identities Retrieved from http://blogs. the-american-interest. com/fukuyama/2012/01/10/european-identities-part-i/ Margaret R, A. (2008). Perceptions of European Identity among EU Citizens: An Empirical Study. McCormick, J. (2010). Europeanism: Oxford University Press. Medrano, J. D. (2010). Unpackiing European Identity: CAIRN, INFO. Smith, A. D. (1993). National identity: Univeristy of Nevada Press. Versteegh, M. L. C. (2010). European Ci tizenship as a New Concept for Euroepan Identity.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Criminal Justice communication 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Criminal Justice communication 4 - Essay Example One should refuse to engage in unnecessary arguments or debates. This method avails time for cooling off so that both parties can approach the conflict with some sobriety. Secondly, another method would entail competition or assertiveness. This method is better applicable where a person knows that they are right or where it is needed to protect against people who take advantage of non-competitive behavior. Thirdly, a person can be accommodative especially where they know they are wrong, and particularly where it is more pertinent to preserve a relationship than the issue at hand or where continued competition would be damaging to a person’s case. To add, a person could compromise or negotiate where both parties would be willing to cede ground, to arrive at a middle position acceptable to all. This will be applicable where a compromise would advance and serve the interests of each party well. Lastly, parties could collaborate when there is effective communication and concerns are too valuable, for example, to compromise or when the problem is common and thus fundamental to merge insights. Communication is paramount to achieve the above strategies. One need to be objective as a failure of objectivity affects communication. Moreover, parties should start from the common ground, that they both agree and share, slowly delving into the conflict. Conflict avoidance is also a strategy to avoid escalation of a conflict. In avoiding, there are no winners or losers. One simply withdraws sidesteps or postpones addressing the conflict. It is critical also when relationships are at stake, to provide time for cooling off or when one is faced with a more pressing issue and, therefore, has no time to deal with this particular one or where more information is needed. Nevertheless, this strategy has the drawback in that critical decisions could be made by default and moreover, postponing the dace may just make matters worse or

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Economics of Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Economics of Strategy - Essay Example As the service producing industries in US account for 81 percent of all private sector payrolls, economic growth in the sector can be a boost for the investments in credit. However, as the extent of the credit market impact is not clear, the investments in credit business may result in attracting higher interests for home loan customers or credits being tightened. The overall consumer spending that will be a result of steady gains in jobs and incomes can neutralize the impact of subprime debacle. However, the tight credit may not affect the household sector also as long as labor markets are strong. As service sector companies are adding new workers, the gains in payrolls are a suggestion for the expanding of the operations that supports the household spending. 1 The economy and profitability of economic organizations depend on the transaction costs. In that aspect, the subprime lending is a good opportunity for economic organizations, but the debacle has led the organizations to face the losses. The internal structure, working nature and policy of the economic organizations decide the cost and nature of transactions. As a result, transaction cost economics by Coase decides the structure of the organization and working relations between departments in an economic organization. ... The afore-mentioned costs depend on the organization of transactions. The efficiency of organization and profitability increases by decreasing the transaction costs and increasing the returns. The first type of costs are the costs coupled with markets that are result of bargaining of independent agents. However, the afore-mentioned have least affect on sub-prime market as they charge higher interest rates from comparatively lower income class. The significant problem in this market is about risk involved in repayment of the loan advanced to the customers. The afore-mentioned problem arises from the second type of costs that incur due to the decisions of the individuals in the company manage to influence decisions for their personal benefits. Minimizing the afore-mentioned second type of costs is very difficult in any type of economic organization, as opposing the decisions is possible only with managing influence costs within the organization. In general, there is not much care taken about internal workings of an economic organization. 2 However, investing in subprime market on a large scale is a decision of internal working and the extent of investment should depend on the economic growth. Many organizations have invested (advanced loans on lesser security) in subprime market, while in a period when the economy is in recession or not recording remarkable growth. The theory of markets controlled by impersonal forces is useful in managing the influence costs within the management, as the managers, who influence the decision of the firm have to take into consideration the market conditions and probable changes in near future. The near future mentioned above should be nearer to the time that

How did the worsening of ideological relations between Mao Zedong and Essay - 1

How did the worsening of ideological relations between Mao Zedong and Nikita Krushchev lead to the sini-soviet split in the 1960s - Essay Example The second fight was against the nationalist Kuomintang (Marks 10). The Nationalist Kuomintang was led by Chiang kai Shek. The overlapping wars persuaded Mao to ignore the advices and directions by Stalin. During the Second World War (1939-1945) Mao followed the lead of Stalin and agreed on the Joint Anti-Japanese Coalition with leader of Nationalist Kuomintang, Chiang Kai Shek (Hershberg 149). The treaty of friendship was signed with Nationalist Kuomintang in 1945. After 3 months of Japan’s surrender Stalin broke the treaty (Li 4). In 1950, Mao Signed Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship & Alliance (Li 409). The alliance resulted in $300Mio loan at a very minimal interest rate along with the military alliance for the period of 30 years. In 1954, after the death of Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev met Mao and formally handed over Port Arther base to China (Khoo 4). The Post Stalin policies by Khrushchev were in conflict with the mind set of Mao. The reason was that Khrushchev deno unced Stalin through his speeches. In 1956, Khrushchev developed relationship with Yugoslavia. The leader of Yugoslavia Joseph Broz Tito was denounced by Stalin. Mao was the supporter of Stalin’s ideology. Khrushchev tried to dismantle Mao’s support of USSR. Khrushchev met with the US president on 1959 to improve the Soviet-America relationships. Khrushchev also tried to decrease the tensions with the Western World in the Cold war. Ultimately, the ideological debate between the two parties i.e. Russia & China were majorly concerned with the peaceful co-existence with the capitalist world. The major reason of the Sino-Soviet split was the national difference. The political line of Mao was totally opposed to that of Khrushchev. Therefore, the conflict in political perspectives between the two parties leads to the creation of two rival formations internationally. The issue was not explicitly considered as the national difference. The issue was believed to be the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What Impact the Policy of Implementation of Performance Based Funding Research Proposal

What Impact the Policy of Implementation of Performance Based Funding will have on Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Louisiana - Research Proposal Example As the paper outlines the stated objective behind such funding is to provide quality education in such institutions at nominal costs. State funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities is being provided with a White House initiative set in motion by President Jimmy Carter1 in 1980 with the objective of, ‘overcoming the effects of discriminatory treatment and to strengthen and expand the capacity of historically black colleges and universities to provide quality education’. President Reagan subsequently established the ‘White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities’ in 1981. As a result the state of Louisiana saw emergence of public institutions like Grambling State University; Southern University and A&M College; Southern University at New Orleans; Southern University at Shreveport together with couple of private institutions. Today, products and services are objectively assessed from the point of view of their functionali ty, value proposition and the overall performance. Market forces have now acquired a predominant role while limiting the roles of the respective governments to that of a facilitator. Educational institutions too are now expected to come out with matching results and professional approach in imparting education. Therefore now we hear about suggestions for ‘performance based funding’ to educational institutions and take necessary punitive action if any institution is found to be drifting in its duties and responsibilities and resulting in below par performances.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ENTREPRENEURSHIP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

ENTREPRENEURSHIP - Coursework Example It has been expressed by analysts that fresh cold sandwiches ingredient with green vegetables are abundantly desirable among the various levels of people. Hence, after analysis of different business analysts’ views and market researchers, it has been decided to start a fast food restaurant business in London. Hence, as an entrepreneur, it is essential to build plan and execute a start up fast food restaurant business in the competitive market of the London. Based on the market research, the restaurant will be serving fresh and healthy hamburgers and green vegetable sandwiches to the customers. Paramount importance will be provided on service and food quality to ensure greater customer satisfaction. The interiors of the restaurant will also be considered as an important aspect for attracting substantial customer base. Accordingly, the restaurant will be furnished in traditional style revealing the local culture of the UK. Irrespective of the size of the organisations, structured vision and mission are essential element for channelizing the efforts towards the specific direction. Correspondingly, the vision and mission of the restaurant are driven by the goals of achieving competitive advantage and profit-maximization along with securing growth in the foreign market. The vision of the restaurant is to deliver utmost customer satisfaction through deliverance of healthy food items at affordable prices. Similarly, the mission of the restaurant is to achieve the position of being most promising and leading competitor in the fast food business industry in the UK and to attain rapid expansion in other parts of the world as well (Gartenstein, n.d.). Businesses, irrespective of size have foremost objectives to achieve extreme competitive traction and customer satisfaction to ensure profitable growth. Correspondingly, below is the list of objectives which the restaurant intends to achieve within the five years’ time frame. To

Monday, September 23, 2019

To what age should parents support children Research Paper

To what age should parents support children - Research Paper Example In order to effectively deal with the aim of the study stated above, a research question will be asked and effectively interrogated through data collection procedures. The research question and its sub questions are presented below. From a more academic perspective, there continues to be discussions and debates on the place of law on termination age. That is, the academic relevance of the study has to do with the legal implications for parents in supporting or taking care of their children. This means that there are two general themes or aspects of the research problem that the current study seeks to unify. The first theme forms of the basis of academic discussion where the important place of parenting in the development of children is emphasised. On this theme of the research problem, Buehler et al. (2014) noted that as social beings, all children are born in to a social setup, where they are expected to be nurtured and brought up in a way that can be considered as consolidating with acceptable social standards. Meanwhile, as parents assume parenthood, they are legally obliged as the people responsible for giving children the necessary social guideline into becoming responsible adults. Whiles doing this, there are different roles that parents play for their children, including financial support, emotional support, social support, moral support, and educational nurturing (Cohen & Wills, 2005). However, it has often been the case that some parents have out of ignorance and in some cases, deliberate intentions disregarded their roles to children, causing children to be stranded and frustrated in the course of their natural development (Buehler & Welsh, 2009). With this problem reported in sections public media, it has become an area of concern to legitimise an age to which all parents of sound mind will be expected to support their children to. From a more socially

Sunday, September 22, 2019

International Outsourcing Essay Example for Free

International Outsourcing Essay There has been a rise in consumerism due to the emergence of globalization brought about by rapid advancement in information technology. Consequently, a demand for skilful human resources to perform various duties at global manufacturing sites and branch offices has motivated the multinational corporations to outsource their work internationally. Since this outsourcing of work occurs off the shore, it is also called offshore outsourcing. What is the objective of international outsourcing? Who benefits from outsourcing the work to people in other countries that have different time zones, contrasting cultures, and different languages? What are the barriers to international outsourcing? These are some of the questions that come into the minds of entrepreneurs who want to collaborate to successfully execute international outsourcing. This exploratory essay delves into the concept of international outsourcing by using an unbiased approach that would further broaden its understanding. Like any innovative process, international outsourcing has been appreciated by its opponents and condemned by its critics. The multinational corporations, such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Sony, General Motors, Ford, Boeing, Hewlett Packard, etc. have been expanding their market share by opening outlets in countries across the world. To maximize their profits, they have established manufacturing plants in the remote areas of developing countries like India, China, Brazil, etc. where the cost of production is comparatively lower than in the developed countries like the USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, Japan, etc. Read Also:  Topics for Exploratory Essay Since the developing countries like India have a large population that is highly educated and can communicate effectively in English language, the corporations in the developed countries continue to outsource the work to individuals, small business firms, and large companies in India. â€Å"American and other western nations can have their technical business needs and services provided for them at a discount, while workers in India can reach a global market and improve their economic status† (Arun, 2007). The companies in rich nations like the USA also save their operational costs and maximize profits by outsourcing to developing economies like India. There is no doubt that international outsourcing creates more job opportunities for people in the developing countries. However, there are critics who argue that international outsourcing also creates unemployment in the rich nations as the work is snatched from the existing employees based in the developed countries. It was reported that â€Å"3. 3 million U. S. jobs and $136 billion in wages could be moved to such countries as India, China, and Russia by 2015† (Cyber Futuristics, n. . ). But how about the jobs created in information technology, shipping and handling, and management sectors of the companies in developed nations, which continue to expand their business operations globally? For instance, if Hewlett Packard expands its business by opening manufacturing plants in India, China, Russia, and other countries, it creates jobs in the manufacturing sector in these developing countries, but it also creates jobs in other sectors, such as information technology, shipping and handling, and management in the country of origin i. e. the USA. As these multinational corporations make more profits through international outsourcing activity, they get more financial resources to hire more workers in the USA. â€Å"Savings from outsourcing allowed companies to create 90,000 new jobs in 2003, with more than one in 10 of them in Silicon Valley or elsewhere in California† (MSN, 2004). There have been advantages as well as disadvantages of international outsourcing, but its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. One of the advantages is that it has created more jobs in both the developed nations and the developing nations. Secondly, it has enabled the multinational corporations to make more profit and expand their business operations globally, which has provided the consumers different brands of the products that can be manufactured locally at a reduced cost. This has led to an increase in consumerism as the price of finished products has also declined considerably due to the availability of cheaper raw material as well as human resources, and the elimination of massive import duty that the consumers paid before the advent of international outsourcing. For instance, it can be seen that the price of cellular phones has reduced drastically that has allowed people from different income groups to buy the handset, which they could not afford earlier. Moreover, the governments in both the developed nations and the developing nations also get more taxes due to an increase in the sales volume of the products. One of the disadvantages of international outsourcing is that it disturbs the normal routine of a worker based in a developing country because of difference in the time zones. However, the diligent workers are ready to work hard to give better standard of living to their family members. Considering the existing success of international outsourcing, it has a promising future as more and more business corporations want to outsource to India, China, Mexico, Ukraine, Philippines, and other developing nations. Besides achieving a reduction in the operational costs, the multinational corporations claim that they get better efficiency and customer service (Bloomberg Businessweek, 2006). If international outsourcing is changing the lives of the people globally, the governments should make the process smoother by removing the obstacles, such as unnecessary paper work, delay in issuing visas, long bureaucratic channels that cause hassles in clearing payments done in different currencies, etc. In spite of these hurdles, the hard working professionals in the developing countries shall find the solution to deliver the best services to their business clients located in the developed countries. International outsourcing has also brought the hearts and souls of people with different cultures together even though there may be difference in languages and time zones.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare

Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare Ltd.(GSKCH) is an Indian associate of GlaxoSmithkline plc,U.K. GSKCH is one of the largest players in the Health Food Drinks Industry in India. The Company, with its manufacturing plants located in Nabha, Rajahmundry and Sonepat. Has a total workforce of over 2700 people, each driven by a spirit of enterprise.Its flagship product, Horlicks, is a highly respected brand which is over 100 years old in India. The Company also manufactures and markets Boost, Viva, Maltova, Biscuits and in addition promotes and distributes number of products in diverse categories, including prominent brands such as Eno, Crocin, Iodex.GSKCH has a strong marketing and distribution network in India comprising over 1800 wholesalers and direct coverage of over 4,00,000 retail outlets. . The company has dedicated consumer healthcare RD center takes research as seriously as marketing excellence, offering cutting-edge capability in both. MISSION STATEMENT Our Global Quest is to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. As a Global Organization, we are united in our approach to how we conduct ourselves. For us to take pride in our contribution and make a difference, we all must be in touch with the elements that make us successful. OUR SPIRIT We undertake our quest with the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs, excited by the constant search for innovation. We value performance achieved with integrity. We will attain success as a world class leader with each member of our team contributing with passion and an unmatched sense of urgency Our spirit gives us the qualities as individuals and as an organization that will enable us to turn our opportunities into achievements. Our spirit will guide us, keep us focused, and differentiate us from the competition. OVERVIEW of company The first plant was set up at Nabha by M/S Horlicks was being imported and marketed India after being packed in the bottles. The reason why the plant to produce Horlicks was set up in Punjab(Nabha) was because the import of Horlicks was stopped by the government of India,following which the company decided to set up a plant in India itself and the raSw material i.e.milk was available in Punjab.The Maharaja of Nabha laid this foundation stone of the factory. Maharaja Pratap Singh In Nabha on 31st May 1959. The Factory went in for production in March 1960. Barley Malt and Wheat Flour were easily available but the procurement of milk was creating a problem. So to solve it,many milk centres were opened in village around Nabha. Field Officers were appointed to go to the villages for guiding and encouraging farmer to sell milk and tame more milk giving animals for the better income. In the very first year the factory earned profits and about 37% bonus was distributed amongst the employees. Within five years the factories production capacity doubled as the demand for the Horlicks increased and in period of nine years there was four-fold increase in the production of Horlicks. As the demand went on increasing, the production of Horlicks also increased in the Nabha unit. However there was still a gap between the demand and supply therefore, 50% workmen were made permanent and the casuals were enrolled as per the requirement. As the main market for sale was in the south and west of India, the need was felt for establishing small packaging stations of Horlicks is dispatched from Nabha in bulk quantity to Different packaging stations namely Calcutta, Madras, Hyderabad, and Ballabgarh. Only the Calcutta packaging stations, is owned by the company the other packaging stations are on contract. COMPANY PROFILE Company Glaxo Smithkline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. Head Office Gurgaon,Haryana Registered Office Nabha(Punjab) Status Multinational Co. Sales Turnover (2006) Rs. 12,143 (millions), 11.5% increase as . compared last year Profit Before Tax (2006) Rs. 1,905.6 (millions) Export Operations to places Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Middle East, Nepal, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Fiji SECOND LARGEST COMPANY GlaxoSmithkline Consumer Healthcare(GSKCH)is the worlds second largest over-the-counterhealthcare products company and is also ranked second globally in sales of oral-care products. GSK is one of the worlds leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, with annual sales of nearly $3billion in 2001 an estimated seven percent of the worlds pharmaceutical market. GSK has over 100,00 employees worldwide. Every second, more than 3 doses of vaccines are distributed by GSK. Every minute, more than 110 prescriptions are written for GSK products. Every hour, GSK spends more than $45000to find new medicines HISTORICAL BACKGROUND GlaxoSmithKline is a pharmaceutical and healthcare company born out of the merger of two leading international organizations. Smithkline Beecham and Glaxo Welcome. Its global mission is To Improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more,feel better and live longer. THE YEAR 1955 Horlicks a milk product manufactured by Horlicks Ltd. Slough, England was being imported, bottled and sold in India. Due to changes in import policy import stopped. THE YEAR 1956-57 A team from the organization visited to explore the possibilities of setting up a plant with the support of Maharaja of Nabha, His highness PRATAP SINGH, and a plant was set up at Nabha. THE YEAR 1958 On May 31st 1958, Mr. Pratap Singh laid the foundation stone of the Company at Nabha. THE YEAR 1960 On 24th March 1960, the factory went into Production. THE YEAR 1969 Horlicks Group disposed off their holding in India and U.K. To BEECHAM GROUP OF INDUSTRIES which is multinational and owns more than 200 countries engaged in manufacturing of Brylcream , Haircream, Eno fruit salt, Toothpaste , Pure Silvikrin etc. Immediately after taking the management, Beecham Group shifted its head office from Nabha to Delhi. THE YEAR 1979 Beecham India (Pvt.) Ltd. Mumbai merged with Hindustan Milkfood Manufacturers Ltd. and the name was changed to H.M.M.Ltd.Beecham Group Plc. THE YEAR 1991 Smithkline U.S.A. merged on September 16,1991 to form Smithkline Beecham consumer Brands,Plc. with its registered office in the U.K. H.M.M. became a part of smithkline Beecham Consumer Brands, one of the three sector of Smithkline Consumer Brands Ltd. THE YEAR 1994 The name was changed to Smithkline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. to reasset the companys promise of providing Healthcare to consumers. The company decided to do away with its toiletry products and sold its brands like Brylcream and Silvikrin to Sara Lee. THE YEAR 2000 The Company acquired MALTOVA and VIVA brands of nutritional from Jagjit Industries Ltd. A merger took place between Smithkline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome and the new company Glaxo Smithkline (GSK) was formed on 27-12-2000 THE YEAR 2002 : Change of name took place effective April 23rd, 2002. THE YEAR 2004 : The Bank of Punjab has tied up with the company for facilitating finance on attractive terms to its milk suppliers. The company started packing Horlicks in  ½ kg and 1 kg pouches. Packing machines was imported and installed. As the main market for sale of Horlicks was in the South and East India, need was felt for the sale of Horlicks in small units of the country. Therefore packing station was opened at different places. At present Horlicks is dispatched from Nabha in bulk quantity to the following packing stations: The Company has established a new plant in Sonepat with a capital layout of Rs.246.69 crores.This plant is fully automatic using Spray Dry Technology. This plant has the State of Art Plant and machinery, and is biggest Spray Drying Plant in Asia with European GMP and safety standardsThe Companys manufacturing facilities at Nabha, Sonepat and Rajamundry have received prestigious ISO 14001,ISO 901 certification and its packing facility at Hyderabad and Ballabhgarh continue to maintain the prestigious ISO 9001 certification by SGC, a leading International Certification Company. Company has also started B2B operations with its leading vendor for the purchase of raw material and service under the area information technology. The company has implemented two ERP packages namely JD Edwards and AS400 and connecting up all its business locations all over the country via satellite link. DEPARTMENTAL OVERVIEW The various departments in GSKCH LTD. Located at Nabha are: Human Resource and Administration Department. Manufacturing Department. Procurement Department(Milk Sourcing Procurement and Purchase Department) Quality Assurance Department. Total Quality Management Department. Information Resources(IR) Finance Department Warehouse Supply Chain Management Engineering Department. Environment, Health and Safety Department(EHS). INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC The term labor welfare refers to the facilities provided to workers in and outside the factory premises such as canteen, rest room, recreational facility, housing and all other services that contribute to the wellbeing of workers In the early stages of industrialization. Welfare activities for factory workers did not receive adequate attention. Employers were not inclined to accept the financial burden of welfare programs. Whenever employers provide for such amenities, it was more with a Paternalistic approach to labor rather than a recogonisation of a worker needs. Hence state has to intervene and compulsory provisions are thus incorporated in factories, other establishments where manufacturing is carried out. Welfare is anything that is done for the comfort o and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. Welfare measures need not in monetary terms only but it can be any kind or form. Labor welfare entails all those activities which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages and salaries. OBJECTIVES- TO PROVIDE BETTER LIFE AND HEALTH TO WORKERS TO MAKE THE WORKERS HAPPY AND SATISFIED. TO RELIEVE WORKERS FROM INDUSTRIAL FATIGUE AND TO IMPROVE INTELLECTUAL, CULTURAL AND MATERIAL CONDITIONS OF LIVING OF WORKERS. The govt. of India has enacted various labor laws, social security and welfare schemes to adequately protect the interest of working class. In case of welfare provisions we have a distribution of statutory and non- statutory measures or voluntary measures- STATUTORY MEASURES WASHING FACILITY STORING AND DRYING CLOTHES FACILITY FACILITY FOR SITTING CANTEENS SHELTERS, REST ROOMS AND LUNCH ROOMS CRECHES WELFARE OFFICERS NON- STATUTORY MEASURES MEDICAL BENEFITS EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS HOUSING FACILITY RECREATIONAL FACILITY CONSUMER COPERATIVE SHOPS TRANSPORTATION FACILITY VOCATIONAL TRAINING HOLIDAY HOME ANDLEAVE TRAVEL FACILITY NAD MANY MORE. Statutory measures in GSK nabha Facilities for sitting sec 44 For workers who are to work in a standing position, suitable arrangement for sitting shall be provided in the factories. This enables workers to take advantage of any opportunities for rest which may occur in the course of their work. In GSK with the workshops there are sitting facilities available like desk and benches at the corner of walls and are there in order to enable worker to take rest because of any opportunity which may occur in course of their work. First Aid Appliances: Sec 45 of factories act states that if a factory possesses 150 workers then there should be a first aid box and cupboards equipped with the required contents in every factory. This should be readily accessible to them during all working hours. The number of such first aid boxes shall not be less than one 150 workers in the factory. Now in case of GSK there are two ambulances which are available for 24: 7 within the factory premises. There is small dispensary which has trained doctors, two nurses and a compounder during the factory hours. These doctors and medical staff and other medical staff is available during the night hours. Even there are 10-15 first Aid boxes available in respective departments of HEEP and CFFP i.e. in material department, production department, Administrative buildings, workshops, even in canteen. Canteens : we have in total of 3 canteens in GSK , Hardwar unit. 2 canteens are in HEEP unit and 1 canteen in CFFP unit. In HEEP we have one staff canteen where executives can have lunch and other two canteens were from shop level to supervisor have lunch. GSK offers subsidized canteen facility to its employees. One plate of food cost 50 paisa and one tea two snacks costs 25 paisa. Also there is a officer appointed to check on food quality the canteen is run by organization itself. 4)Shelters rest room and lunch rooms: As per section47 of factories act 1948, GSK have rest rooms, small lunch rooms, gardens where employees/workers can rest during lunch hour or free time. The rooms are cleaned everyday having separate area for drinking water. There is separate water room for water cooler, comfortable table and chairs for rest purpose. 5) Crà ¨ches facilities: Under section 48in GSK NABHA, we have the facility of crà ¨che available for women workers employed in the factory. The crà ¨ches is located within the factory premises near the entrance gate rooms are well adequately lighted ventilated, clean and with a trained woman who looks after the children and infants. The children are given healthy food with milk thrice in a day in morning during noon and once in evening time Welfare officers: AS per sec.49 GSK is having a separate department which looks after the facilities (welfare) provided to workers. They keep check on quality of food in canteen, in crà ¨che, also on condition of rooms. Mr.C.S. SHARMA is head of welfare department in GSK NABHA.. These above statutory measures are followed at very large level in all GSK units admit has lead to building up of a positive, motivated(1130) which can b retained for a longer period. Non statutory/voluntary measures- 1.Medical benefit at GSK Medicare is a federally administered health insurance program for people 65 years of age or older, certain disabled individuals that have been receiving Social Security Disability Insurance for 24 months, and for people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure treated with dialysis or a transplant). Medicare was created as part of the Social Security Act of 1965, and currently provides benefits to over 40 million people.Effective January 1, 2006, Medicare will begin providing outpatient prescription drug benefits to beneficiaries for the first time in the history of the program. Drug coverage and benefit design varies according to the Part D plan selected. Each year, Medicare beneficiaries may elect to sign up for a Medicare plan that includes Part D coverage. During this inaugural year, the open enrollment period runs through May 15, 2006. Additional information is available at and through Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Educational facility- GSKprovides VOCATIONAL TRAINING to different students of different field such as MBA-HR and FINANCE, b-tech all. Housing facility- GSK provides housing facility to its employees and has its own township which is called BIR NIWAS in nabha. Each apartment has set of rooms from 2-5 and employees are charged very minimal amount as rent of house. With the housing, GSK also provide free electricity (certain units), free water facility and free housing maintence etc. Also for the retired employed, GSK also provide them free housing facility for first 2 months of retirement, but other are charged Rs.4000/month as per separate accommodation. Recreational facilities- Not only focusing on productivity, GSK keep their employees engaged in various sports and cultural activities. We have GSK CLUB and STADIUM where different activities like sports and swimming are played. In CONVENTIONAL HALL for picture and plays, cultural activities are conducted. On the eve of Independence Day, republic day there are various cultural programs, parade are organized. Not only these, within factory premises, there are inter- unit competitions are conducted like different sports activities running are conducted on national holidays. For the welfare of women there is ladies club managed by wives of employees. They have their own work related by weaving, stiching, photocopy, making masalas etc. Every year, GSK contributes some part of their earning into WOMEN/LADIES CLUB. Other Voluntary measures/ Benefits and pay (TotalReward) TotalReward is how GSK rewards its employees for their contribution to its success. But its more than just a salary it rewards high performance, invests in development, partners with employees to save for the future, and supports employees health and wellbeing: Pay salary, bonus/sales incentives and recognition awards Shares Savings share plans, savings plans, pension plan Health Life Healthcare Plan, Health MOT, Holidays, Employee Assistance Programme, Tax-free: Plans, Discounts Development Performance and Development Plan The composition of the pay and benefits package and details of individual benefits schemes are subject to change at the discretion of GSK. Offering competitive pay that rewards performance is critical to their long-term success. GSK pay programmes are designed to give the opportunity to earn good rewards for good performance and superior rewards for superior performance. Key features: A competitive base salary An annual bonus which is the main reward for performance, both Company performance and individual performance A Recognition Program to recognize and reward special achievements and contributions by employees and teams The composition of the pay and benefits package and details of individual benefits schemes are subject to change at the discretion of GSK. Shares Savings The GSK share plans give employees a stake in GSKs success and the ability to gain in line with the shareholder value them help create. GSK also helps their employees save for the future by contributing to their pension, and offering a range of tax-efficient savings plans and financial education programmes to help them make the most of their TotalReward. Key features: A money purchase Pension Plan in which GSK contributes a minimum of 5% of your pensionable pay and matches employee contributions up to another 5% A ShareReward plan in which employee receive a free GSK share for every share they buy Financial Education Programme, providing employee with a wide range of financial planning options Long-term incentives, if eligible, to give employee a personal stake in GSKs future The composition of the pay and benefits package and details of individual benefits schemes are subject to change at the discretion of GSK Health Life GSKs mission is to help people do more, feel better and live longer, and this approach is extended to GSK employees. Health Life plans are designed to make it easier for you to balance your work and personal life and to care for yourself and your family whatever your circumstances. Key features: Healthcare: designed to give employee and their family access to prompt medical treatment when and where they need it Employee Assistance Programme: designed to offer a helping hand when it comes to organising and dealing with the pressures of work and family life Tax-free: bikes, childcare, health assessment and holiday: a range of salary sacrifice plans designed to save money in exchange for benefits Car Allowance: if eligible, a monthly car allowance which employee can use to purchase a car through the scheme or take as cash the choice is their. Discounts: a range of discounted products and services designed to support employee health, wealth and well-being Holidays: employees are entitled to 26 paid personal holiday days each year (increasing to 27 days after five years service and 28 days after 10 years service) plus eight paid public holidays and the opportunity to sacrifice salary to buy five more additional days. If they join during the year (January to December) their entitlement will be prorated .The composition of the pay and benefits package and details of individual benefits schemes are subject to change at the discretion of GSK. Development Be the best that you can be. At GSK, your Performance and Development Plan helps you understand what you need to do to contribute to GSKs success, how you need to perform and how to develop your career at GSK. PDP: helps you identify what you need to do and the behaviours you need to demonstrate to achieve success as well as the areas you need to develop to attain greater reward The composition of the pay and benefits package and details of individual benefits schemes are subject to change at the discretion of GSK. PROOFS GSK REIMBURSEMENT RESOURCE CENTER The BEXXAR ® THERAPEUTIC REGIMEN (Tositumomab and Iodine I Tositumomab) PATIENT INFORMATION FORM Please fax completed Form to: (866) 216-5292 Phone: (800) 745-2967 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Patients Last Name First Middle Initial Social Security Number Date of Birth __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address City State ZIP Code Home Telephone Primary Insurance Secondary Insurance Company Name ______________________________________________ __________________________________________ Telephone _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Subscribers Name __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Relationship to Patient _________________________________________ __________________________________________ Social Security #______________________ Date of Birth _____________ _____________________ Date of Bir___________ Policy ID # ______________________ Group # ____________________ ________________________Group #____________ Employer ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Please attach GSK Reimbursement Resource Center Patient Authorization to Release and Disclose Medical Information Form (If you do not have the patient authorization form, please call (800) 745-2967 to request it. We will not be able to provide patient-specific reimbursement services without the signed authorization.) Patient Medical Information Name of Treatment Site where BEXXAR will be administered:_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Administering treatment site contact name Contact Telephone # BEXXAR Therapeutic Regimen will be provided [ ] Outpatient Hospital [ ] Inpatient Hospital [ ] Free Standing Facility Primary Diagnosis (Please provide actual code or codes): _________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Treatment(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Justification for BEXXAR Therapeutic Regimen (check all that apply) [ ] Statement of Medical Necessity attached [ ] Other (please specify) __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Authorized Prescribing Physicians Signature Date _________________________________________________________________________________________ Authorized Prescribing Physicians Name (Please print) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Issues regarding GLAXO SMITHKLINE ARTICLE(issue addressed on child healthcare by gsk) The Childrens Health Funds Referral Management Initiative Homeless and disadvantaged children are especially vulnerable to illness. Theyre more likely to suffer from acute and chronic illnesses such as asthma. Many do not receive vaccinations. Yet millions of these children cannot get healthcare because there is no transportation, or because there arent enough doctors, in disadvantaged communities. Sometimes there are language barriers. These problems all make it difficult for their families to keep hospital appointments. The Childrens Health Fund provides a Referral Management Initiative (RMI) to help children get the care they need whenever they are referred to a specialist. The RMI reminds families about doctor appointments by phone and mail. It also provides door-to-door transport to clinics and can even provide translation services if necessary. When the program began, one in twenty children who were referred to a specialist actually made it to the appointment; now-through the RMI-three out of four do. GSK is the sole funder of the RMI and has awarded $8 million to date. The program is expanded from New York to Washington, DC, Dallas, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and South Florida,india. CHF hopes to introduce similar initiatives nationwide. Irwin Redlener, President of the Childrens Health Fund, comments The Childrens Health Fund partnership with GSK has been responsible for positively transforming the lives of tens of thousands of medically underserved children in need of specialist care. ANALYSIS THE article discuss about the issue of healthcare in different countries like Washington, DC, Dallas, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and South Florida,india which has been addressed by gsk at large scale by initiating a system of referral management initiative which aims at providing funds and healthcare facility to children in above mentioned countries and this initiative has been applied to the labour working in the same company through same RMI system though an expeniditure of dollar 8 million till date that means GSK is not only concerned about their employees only but they are concerned about the society from which they are coming and hence creating better human resource. CASE STUDY(issue regarding allotment of medical benefit to workers aswell as society) GLOBAL P U B L I C P O L I C Y I S S U E S GlaxoSmithKlines Position GSK is a leader in: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Applying computerised statistical tools to facilitate the evaluation of safety information through, for example, the identification of unexpected adverse events that are being reported on a disproportionate basis (safety signals). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Evaluating and applying pharmacogenetics2 to enhance the risks and benefits of our medicines for patients. As part of our efforts, we collect blood samples for potential DNA analysis in the majority of our Phase I, II and III drug development trials (with ethics committee review .. GSK is in regular dialogue with Regulators (e.g. US FDA, EMEA and Japans Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) regarding how PGx data should be interpreted and applied on a case by case basis during the development, licensing and post marketing phase of a medicine. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Supporting the public disclosure of the results (including safety information) from GSK sponsored clinical trials. In 2004 we launched the GSK Clinical Study Register which provides summary results from all GSK sponsored trials (phase I-IV) of marketed medicines completed since the formation of GSK. These summaries include all the serious adverse events and common adverse events reported in the trials. Proposal for Enhancing Pharmacovigilance Data Collection and Evaluation The tools and processes used in pharmacovigilance are continually evolving. Effective use of these tools, along with improved reporting and communication tools, helps to ensure that potential and actual side effects can be better identified in investigational and marketed medicines. GSK recommends that initiatives to improve the pharmacovigilance framework should include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Improved reporting: Collection of data on rare side effects through company or regulatory agency databases serves as an important starting point for possible further action. However, one of the shortcomings of this system is the variable nature of reporting and the quality of reports received. One of the chief difficulties with side effect reporting is ensuring the quality of the databases, and obtaining any necessary follow-up information. Resources are often expended in contacting health care professionals regarding aspects of a report they have filed. In some instances, the reporter is unable or unwilling to provide sufficient detail to allow for a rigorous evaluation of the reported event. GSK would therefore support initiatives aimed at improving pharmacovigilance through improved education of medical students and physicians regarding the quality of ADR reporting. Training modules could explain the role and responsibilities of healthcare professionals in reportin g ADRs; how to identify and evaluate an ADR; and how to prepare and submit reports of high quality Real-life / real-time databases: Pharmacovigilance could be enhanced by using novel technologies to allow companies and regulators to access anonymised data obtained from the use of medicines in clinical practice. For example, information captured systematically in electronic patient records could help identify a potential association between a side effect and a particular medicine or combination of medicines, by facilitating a comparison of side effects be

Friday, September 20, 2019

Copper Essay -- essays research papers

Copper   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Copper is a mineral. it is not a plant or a animal. Copper is a metallic metal. It can never be broken down into differnet substances by normal chemical means. Copper was one of the first metals known to humans. People liked it because in it’s native condition, it could easily be beaten into weapons or tools. Copper has been one of the most useful metals for over 5000 years. Copper was probably used around 8000 B.C by people living along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. In 6000 B.C, Egyptians learned how to hammer copper into things they wanted. Around 3500 B.C, People first learned how to melt copper with tin to make bronze. So the period between 3000 B.C and 1100 B.C became known as the bronze age.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today, some of the leading states of the copper industry are Arizona with 747,000 short tons, Utah with 187,000 short tons, New Mexico with 161,000 short tons. Some other leading countries are Chile with 1,422,000 short tons, United States with 1,203,000 short tons, Soviet Union with 650,000 short tons, and Zambia with 596,000 short tons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When copper is being mined, both Native copper and copper ore are usually found. The highest grade of copper ore is pale silvery gray. Miners used to be always in danger in copper mines. Today, we have redu...

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:The First Swing :: Arthurian Legends English Literature Essays

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:The First Swing In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a stranger rides into King Arthur's court with a challenge. This stranger, green in color from head to toe, proposes to play a game with a member of King Arthur's court. This game will be played by each participant taking a blow from a weapon at the hands of the opponent. The person that dies from the hit is obviously the loser. On top of this, the Green Knight offers to let his opponent take the first swing. This sets up the action in the passage beginning with line 366 and ending with line 443. Sir Gawain steps in to take the challenge after King Arthur first agrees to participate himself. Sir Gawain wants to bring honor to Arthur and asks permission to take his place. Gawain knows that he is not the strongest, smartest knight but the loss of his life would not be as bad as if King Arthur loses his life. King Arthur agrees to let him enter this game and gives him a weapon to use against this Green Knight. King Arthur says to Sir Gawain, "Keep, cousin what you cut with this day, and if you rule it aright, then readily, I know you shall stand the stroke it will strike after." (372-374) Gawain, with his weapon in his hand, is now ready to take part in the game. Before the contest starts, the Green Knight goes over the rules of the game again. He says that if he survives the hit from Gawain's ax, Gawain must search out where he lives so that he can take his hit from the Green Knight. When the Green Knight tells Gawain he must find the place where he lives, Gawain quickly asks, "What is the way there? Where do you dwell?" (398) The Green Knight refuses to tell, as this is part of the game. If the stranger survives Sir Gawain's blow from the ax, he will tell Gawain his name and the name of his dwelling.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Nikola Tesla Essay -- essays research papers fc

"Were we to seize and eliminate from our industrial world the results of Mr. Tesla's work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, our towns would be dark, our mills would be dead and idle. Yes, so far reaching is his work that it has become the warp and woof of industry... His name marks an epoch in the advance of electrical science. From that work has sprung a revolution..." -B.A. Behrend If you were to go to an encyclopedia and tried to find out who invented the radio, X- rays, and the tube amplifier, this is what you would find: radio was invented by Marconi, X- rays by Roentgen, and the tube amplifier by de Forest. While you're there, look to see who invented the fluorescent bulb, neon lights, the speedometer, the basics of radar, and the microwave oven. I don't know who the encyclopedias say invented those things, but I bet it won't give any mention of a man by the name of Nikola Tesla. In fact, I bet they won't give much mention of Tesla for any of the many things he invented. We can thank Thomas Edison for this. Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljian, Croatia at precisely midnight on July 9/10, 1856. Not a lot is known about his early childhood. His father was an orthodox priest, and his mother, though unschooled, was highly intelligent. Tesla had an extraordinary memory, and he spoke six languages. He Spent four years studying math, physics, and mechanics at the Polytechnic Institute at Graz. Tesla first came to America in 1884, when he was 28. He worked for Thomas Edison. Edison, at the time, had just patented the lightbulb, and needed a system to distribute the electricity. One of Tesla's gifts was an understanding of electricity. Edison promised Tesla large amounts of money if he could work out the kinks in Edison's DC system of electricity. In the end, Tesla saved Edison over $100,000 (which would be millions today), but Edison refused to live up to his end of the bargain. Tesla quit, and Edison spent the rest of his life trying to stifle Tesla's reputation. Tesla devised a system for electricity, AC, which was better than Edison's DC system of electricity. AC (Tesla's system) is what is used in our homes today. AC offered many advantages over DC. AC could be transmitted over large distances through thin wires. DC electricity required a large power plant every square mile, and the transmission t... ... if he had had the money to finance the experiments he always wanted to? ``We are confronted with portentous problems which can not be solved just by providing for our material existence, however abundantly. On the contrary, progress in this direction is fraught with hazards and perils not less menacing than those born from want and suffering. If we were to release the energy of the atoms or discover some other way of developing cheap and unlimited power at any point of the globe this accomplishment, instead of being a blessing, might bring disaster to mankind... The greatest good will come from the technical improvements tending to unification and harmony, and my wireless transmitter is preeminently such. By its means the human voice and likeness will be reproduced everywhere and factories driven thousands of miles from waterfalls furnishing the power; aerial machines will be propelled around the earth without a stop and the sun's energy controlled to create lakes and rivers for motive purposes and transformation of arid deserts into fertile land...'' -Nikola Tesla BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE 1. 2.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Corrections Trends Evaluation Paper Essay

Corrections have existed throughout society for many years and continued to change and evolve in the United States reflecting society’s values and ideals throughout the centuries. In the criminal justice system, corrections exist in more than one form. Not only do corrections refer to jails and prison systems but they also pertain to community-based programs, such as probation, parole, halfway houses, and treatment facilities. Past, present, and future trends in regard to the development and operation of institutional and community-based corrections vary between states but corrections have grown immensely since the early 1800s and have continued to expand over time. Corrections are adamant to continue to expand into the future because crime is not slowing down so there will remain a strong need for corrections throughout society. The subject of this paper pertains to research of past, present, and future trends in the development and operation of corrections. In some ways corrections are similar to the operation trends of two decades ago. In other ways the development of corrections has come far compared to corrections in the beginning. Other subjects of the paper include current and future issues for prisons and prison administrators and an explanation for why these issues overwhelm corrections. A last topic for discussion is the roles of alternate corrections as a developing trend. Conditions in the early era were inhumane because of prisoners starving, and trends of punishment were in the form of physical punishment. Examples of this were punishments, such as prisoners hanged, tortured, beheaded, or mutilated. This punishment was popular in England, but it had an effect on its American predecessors. Although the conservative e trend that emerged in the 1970s continued to dominate justice system policy the debate between punishment and treatment brought new questions about (Muraskin & Roberts, 2009, pp. 263). Over the years and into the future many still wonder the dominate method in reducing the number of criminals in the department of corrections. The American colonies used means of a corporal punishment just as the motherlands (Gaines & Miller, 208, pp. 313). The system brutally executed citizens who had violated any law. However, not all colonial administrators adhered to a brutal punishment, such as the death penalty. â€Å"The Great Law† ensured any victim a restitution of property or goods, given by the felon (pp. 313). This code, based on Quaker ideals and humanity and rehabilitation, by William Penn was introduced. Although â€Å"The Great Law† still allowed the death penalty, most felons who could not pay restitution to their victims were not executed but were sent to prison where they worked. This exceptional code, in William Penn’s case gained attention by other American colonies. After Penn’s death, Pennsylvania, The center of prison reform, opened its very first penitentiary in Philadelphia (Johnston, 2011). This initiated a chain reaction and other states looked to Pennsylvania as an example for reform. They looked to the penitentiary as a hope of rehabilitating the criminal spirit. It helped to treat and discipline prisoners rather than physically harm them. The silence in a penitentiary was meant to force prisoners to think about their crimes, and weigh the benefits against the consequences. Although the silence treatment was successful, many inmates brought into the penitentiaries and had to share rooms as a result of crowded conditions. This happened at the Walnut Street Prison Penitentiary, and it ended with overcrowded conditions and excessive cost. The prison eventually shut down. Although the prison was shut down, many states continued to use the penitentiary system. If overcrowding occurred it just meant building new penitentiaries. The penitentiary system was important because it influenced later concepts. Such as the idea of separate confinement, which kept inmates separated in individual cells (Gaines & Miller. 2008, pp. 314). These prisoners had contact with religious instructors known as clergy or prison officials only. Another concept introduced was the idea of reform and progress. Inmates who behaved well and followed rules climb a ladder and once at the top may qualify for early release from confinement. The history and structure of prisons and prison administrators has changed immensely over the years. Society today faces the increased probability of incarceration for offenders and inmates serve more time for crimes in the present-day compared to the length of incarceration several years ago. This is in part because of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, which caused the length of time served by federal convicts for their crimes to rise significantly (Gaines & Miller, 2008, pp. 316). With more offenders going to prison for longer stays many prisons face overcrowding conditions. The prison overcrowding problem contributes to several issues currently facing prisons and prison administrators. Prison overcrowding is a current issue that without some extreme solutions will continue to plaque the entire department of corrections well into the future. Over the past decade the prison population continues to rise sharply. Stricter laws, harsher punishment, high rates of recidivism, and higher levels of drug related crimes contribute to the rapid growth of incarcerated offenders. Prison overcrowding almost always has a negative effect on inmates and prison administration or staff. Overcrowding leads to higher rates of illness, so in turn prison administrators see an increase in health care costs. Limited more are resources and the likelihood of recidivism rates is higher when prisons reach a maximum capacity population. Another current and future issue of concern for prisons and prison administrators stemming from overcrowding is prison violence. Prison researcher Stephen C. Light found that when conditions such as overcrowding worsen. Inmate misconduct often increases (Gaines & Miller, 2008, pp. 340). Prisoners often use violence as a way to show power or to control other inmates. Prison violence is a means of surviving for some inmates who think of violence as a deterrent against victimization or violence to acquire money or sexual favors. The correctional officers also have to resort to violence as a form of discipline or controlling prison gangs and riots. Funding is another major issue facing prisons and prison administration currently and will continue into the future. The operational cost to house inmates must stay with the limits of an assigned budget. Currently a majority of prisons operate under state and federal governments, unlike the past when private prisons were more common. Private prisons were often more cost-efficient because of labor costs, competitive bidding, and less red tape involved with private prisons. Prison administration and staff place themselves at risk daily for a paycheck; therefore wages must be in a prison budget. Operating costs for electric and water is essential and rises as the inmate population increases. Prisoners have rights to three meals a day and prison budgets must provide these rights. Another necessity in the budget for prisons and prison administrators is the need to rehabilitate and reform inmates. Counselors, doctors, and teachers are necessary inside prisons to attempt to reduce the number of repeat offenders in the prison system. Several alternate correction systems play a role as developing trends in society today. With many issues facing correctional institutions today the developing trends and roles of community-based corrections are becoming more common. Community corrections are being framed in terms of alternative sanctions but a slow pace (Muraskin & Roberts, 2009, pp. 263). The emphasis of community corrections is on controlling punishment and retribution potential (263). The main reason for community-based program is that the cost to place an offender on probation is less than the cost to house an offender in prison. The goal of probation is to give an offender the opportunity to stay out of trouble as opposed to prison. In a sense probation is a second chance for offenders to stay in the community and maintain freedom under supervision. Day reporting centers, half way houses, and electronic monitoring are other examples of community-based corrections that prevent an offender from incarceration in a prison. The goals of these corrections are to allow offenders to stay in the community and maintain employment with special conditions. Community-based programs save funding and space in correctional facilities while recognizing that offenders do need some supervision and discipline to remain in the general population of the community. Corrections have existed throughout society for many years in one form or another. Several types of corrections exist today from jails and prisons to community-based corrections such as probation, halfway houses, and electronic monitoring. Corrections and trends are much different today than in the past and years from then as society evolves changes in corrections are sure to occur. Issues facing corrections, including funding shortages, prison overcrowding, and violence in correctional facilities have worsened over the years and will continue into the future. Community-based programs will continue to make some progress in the correction institutions by improving alternative programs for offenders, but society will never be crime free and therefore corrections will always be necessary.